Background Casting Companies

Have you ever wanted to be an extra in a movie? With so many productions filming in Georgia it’s easier than ever to become a background actor. Plus, the casting companies and productions need you! Before you sign up, make sure you know what you are getting into because background acting can be very time intensive (but also fun).  Check out these tips before signing up.

Background Casting Companies in Georgia

Here is a list of casting companies who cast background actors in productions in Georgia. This list may change over time. Also, be aware that other companies may claim to be legitimate casting companies when they are not. A legitimate casting company will never charge you anything to book you on a production so be wary of companies asking you for money for headshots or other services to get cast as background.

All of these casting companies work slightly different. Most require you to register with them in some way (submitting photos and measurements). Find out more here.

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