Glen Powell, known for his role in “Twisters,” is set to star in a new Hulu comedy series titled “Chad Powers.” The series, which has been given a full order by Hulu, is scheduled to begin filming in Atlanta from August 19 to October 16, with the main stages located in Conyers, as annced to IATSE members.
“Chad Powers” is a half-hour comedy inspired by a sketch featuring former NFL quarterback Eli Manning that aired on ESPN+. The series follows the story of a hotshot college quarterback whose career ends abruptly due to his bad behavior. To redeem himself, he adopts the persona of Chad Powers, a talented and affable player, and joins a struggling Southern football team.
Glen Powell, who also co-created and executive produces the show alongside Michael Waldron (known for “Loki”), expressed his enthusiasm for the project. “We’re both diehard college football fans,” said Powell and Waldron in a joint statement. “When we saw Eli as Chad Powers, we knew that was the way into a big, fun story about this world. We’re excited to be part of this team, and can’t wait to get Chad in the game. Think fast, run fast.”
The original sketch featuring Manning was produced by NFL Films and Omaha Productions and was part of the “Eli’s Places” series. Manning, along with Peyton Manning, Jamie Horowitz, Ben Brown, and ESPN, serves as executive producer for the series. Waldron and Adam Fasullo are producing under Anomaly Pictures, while Powell is executive producing through his production company, Brainstorm.
Eli Manning shared his excitement about the project, stating, “The love for Chad Powers has surprised me in spectacular ways. I played 16 years in the NFL, but now when I’m in a restaurant or walking through an airport, it’s not uncommon for fans to scream, ‘Hey Chad!’ I’m so excited to team up with my friends Glen Powell, Michael Waldron, and Omaha Productions to continue to tell the Chad Powers story and see what he does next.”
With a talented team and a unique storyline, “Chad Powers” is set to bring a new wave of excitement to the comedy genre. Fans can look forward to seeing the series on Hulu soon.